Sweet and High

2025, acrylic on canvas

€ 1050,-

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130 x 90 cm
51.2 x 35.4 inches
Other details
Artwork on supported wooden frame. Ready to hang. Framing on request.

Sweet and High

“Sweet and High”, by Flavia Birsan, is a reflection on the delicate balance between fleeting moments and those that linger, suspended in time. The warm, earthy tones in the piece ground the viewer in the sweetness of life’s moments, while the airy, vibrant layers carry a sense of elevation, like a melody rising, reaching toward the sky, and lingering in the air. This painting explores the duality of love and longing, capturing the essence of love’s memory—one that stays with us, timeless and ever-present, despite the passage of time. It’s a visual meditation on the emotions that remain even after the moment has passed, evoking both warmth and lightness in every brushstroke.

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